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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 209

579 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2018/12/22(土) 06:55:24.16 ID:dS6tZ2kEr.net
Oh dude, how come you're always being so silly?
You just pretend not to be hurt!
You don't have any single girl to stay with on X'mas eve! Instead, you must be here!
I don't need such a licking-each-others-wounds-relationship. Because I'm so a strong person that I don't need any human being just by me!
That means I'm too used to being alone. No one in the earth get all the way to my place to talk to me on such the best having babies day!
But in reality actually I can make friends by far more easily than you poors.
But let me say that my own will won't let me do that. I don't know why.
Perhaps the fact is that there have been no people around me who are worth making friends with. It's not my fault. Far from it. I may be a single victim of the world, at least I might feel that way. Whatever.

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