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86 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 7323-FCwA):2020/05/09(土) 02:38:09 ID:TONHiL5B0.net

Should rich people be required to pay higher taxes?
I believe that rich people should be required to pay higher taxes for the following reasons.
Firstly, rich people become rich by gaining excessive margins.
For example, the recovery of a company is thanks to not only a few workers’ contribution,
but also that of all the employees. Nevertheless, if a few workers’ salaries stand out,
they should be asked to pay higher taxes for fairness.

Secondly, societies that have a huge gap between the rich and the poor are unstable.
Many conflicts or crimes occur around the world due to this gap.
Certainly in Japan the gap is not as big, but while part timers are increasing in number,
billionaires are also appearing. Therefore, it is necessary to stop this trend
by forcing wealthier citizens to pay higher taxes.

Lastly, all people should be afforded the chance to contribute to society.
If the tax revenue paid by the rich can be used for the poor, such as financial support for education,
all citizens can be given the chances to be educated and so contribute more to society as future taxpayers.

In conclusion, rich people should pay higher taxes for the stated reasons.

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