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【NHKラジオ講座】ラジオ英会話 Part 31

5 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/04/13(土) 19:42:09.00 ID:569F3kYM0.net
As I said, you have to memorize versatile English expressions at first.
When you remember them, you should read them aloud picturing the scene.
After you can use the expressions easily, you’d better talk to a person in English.
You can participate in the chat, the online English learning, etc.
You may be poor at the beginning, but gradually you will become able to speak English fluently.
And then you memorize new expressions and use them.
You need to repeat this to improve your English skills.
You won’t speak English for ever if you don’t try to talk to a person directly.

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