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Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose

126 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/08/07(水) 05:26:41.26 ID:dHGmSb6Y0.net
Vietnam is a land of treasures. Before I started to delve into the Vietnam War two years
ago or so, I had known practically nothing about the country. The Vietnam War was
one of by far the greatest tragedies and important issues that I had always wanted to
delve into. Then I began to study it. I was flabbergasted by the greatness of the

The more I studied the history of the Vietnam War and other issues surrounding
the country and its people, the more in awe of them I became. Just pick any shred
of the history of the war and start to study it. You'll be stunned.

The Vietnamese may be the only one non-superpower that has actually
beat and chased away not only one but three superpowers of the world:
China, France, and the USA. What is it about these then poverty-stricken,
seemingly emaciated peasants actually beat these nations, one of which
is the long-time Asian superpower and the two others of which are
quintessential Western superpowers? Even the USA, which no one else
had even dared to beat, and which was powerful enough to devastate
Japan through its atomic bombs, suffered unhealable trauma and
had to retreat from the land.

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