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Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose

149 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/08/09(金) 07:23:08.69 ID:s0k/z5GD0.net
I have read 2 or 3 books in English. I'm sure that I've read 2 English books,
and I'm sure I've read a very short English book. I have tried reading some
other English books, but I have never succeeded in it. That's the only books
I've ever read in English.
The two English books I've read were just normal general so-called
self-help/self-development(?) books. Normal length.

My laziness gets in the way every time I come to think I should read English
books. I can read Japanese books very fast and it takes more than 10 times the
amount of time if I read the book in English.
Not every book is worth reading spending lots of time in it. Most books I come
across are not very good, weather it's an English book or a Japanese book. I
don't know if the book is good enough to carefully read until I actually read
it. It's kinda risky to start reading English books without knowing if I find
it worth the read with the amount of time I spend on it. This sense of risk
keeps me from reading English books.
Plus reading books on digital devices hurts my eyes, and buying foreign books
at overseas shops cost money. (I wish they had English books at the library.)

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★