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Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose

151 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/08/09(金) 07:41:47.00 ID:s0k/z5GD0.net
By the "silent period" I meant the period when you can't express your thoughts
freely due to lack of knowledge of the language. Babies have a silent period
for the first 6 months or so after birth. Language learners have a hard time
talking to people because they can't express themselves or they can't
understand what other people are saying because their language skills are not
good enough.
I have been lurking on some other places, and I still don't have the guts to
start writing there.
(I guess possibly there are some people here who want to join us but are not
confident enough with their English. But this place don't have a large
population, so I don't know.)

In order to overcome the "silent period," you need to either accept that fact
that your English is not good, or to wait until you become confident with your
English. I think I don't have the guts to accept my inability to express myself
in English.

The above is communicating with people. But there is also another domain, which
is to communicate with yourself, or in other words, think in the language. It's
suffocating and frustrating to find that I can't think in English as well as in
Japanese. We all have passed this stage with our native language when we were
little. I feel like I'm going through the silent period again with English this

I don't know which is a better idea, whether to start using the language as
soon as possible or to wait until it becomes to feel natural to you.

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