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Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose

1 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/07/27(土) 17:48:52.41 ID:K5OKe7Oj0.net
英作文の練習として雑談がしたい人は Chat in English スレッドへ行ってください。

This thread is for chatting in English but not for practicing writing English.
Plese go to the "Chat in English" thread if you want to write something in English as a writing practice.

166 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/08/14(水) 21:23:40.90 ID:u7EVCgp00.net

What an insightful article. I'm going to read the two books of his mentioned in
the article.

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