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Yet another chat thread for non-practice purpose

46 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/07/31(水) 16:59:50.43 ID:9IXCsdk/0.net
I've encountered some times people recommending using English songs for new
learners to learn English. Maybe it's a good idea, for they might get familiar
with English sounds, but I've never thought of the difficulty in understanding
English lyrics. There are some things that are counter intuitive. New learners
of English often think that normal conversations among neighbors and friends
are easier than English used in news programs. But I think conversations among
people, especially among teenagers can be very hard to understand.
It's good that I didn't dare to try to tackle English lyrics in my early stages
of learning English. I may have been discouraged by the difficulty of
understanding it.

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