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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213

254 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/09/24(火) 13:41:35.48 ID:tAYW/YEb0.net

(cont. >> 253)
As a result, I have a fairly rich vocabulary pool in my head but most of the words and phrases in it remain “passive”.
The reason I sound not too awkward in written form is that there is virtually no time limit to review and rewrite it, often with the aid of dictionaries, so they sound more natural.
I can tell whether a sentence is natural or not “in hindsight”. I just cannot form it on the spot.

The funny thing is that I know what “obsequious” and “flabbergasted” mean but in the online lesson I find myself struggling to switch tenses, and there is always a long and awkward pause before I can finally output a grammatically decent sentence.

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