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Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 213

282 :名無しさん@日本語勉強中 :2019/09/25(水) 12:44:24.23 ID:HP4eMiAsH.net
I agree that it depends on the newspaper.
In my own case, for example, I think that FNN is an excellent resource for Japanese learners.
Not only do they use rather simple Japanese, but they include transcripts of basically everything the announcers are saying.
The only real difference is that the announcers use 丁寧語 whereas the written transcripts do not.
So for a Japanese student, FNN is a fucking godsend.

It's embarrassing to admit, but I don't really read English novels that much anymore.
I find it to be too boring since the internet is a thing now. It's been several years since I've read a single English book.
I think the Internet might have ruined my attention span for books, haha.
But I will look into Embracing Defeat since you mentioned it.

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