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英文法・語法に関する質問はここでしろ! Part 13

400 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2019/10/04(金) 16:37:22.85 ID:qLFzG0R40.net
I haven't seen complementary sentences or complementary parts, so I looked for it.
Then, I found it was a grammar originated from the Chomskyan language theory.
It has been from 1960, rather newer in theories of grammar. It could be said to be an almost recent one.
Originally, grammar is the logic tracing the language being then used.
Considering on this, that grammatical reason of its forming "a complementary sentence structure"
is that the usage of infinitive accompanying with an objective is actually used, and sentences with such a usage are felt
natural to those who use that language.
Of course, in the case of the Japanese entrance examination where native speakers check problems,
problems where the answer depends on whether there bing an objective or not
in the sentence accompanying with "for me" will be avoided. So, I think you need not be worried of them.
The case you have to pay attention to is in those cases of private medical schools where as more than 80 years as aged
men make English tests.

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