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99 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/11/25(水) 03:05:18.66 ID:lOi71Thud.net
Have you heard of Play Station 5?
It's one of Sony's gaming consoles, which has just came out earlier this month.
You don't see any of them in stock if you are looking at Japanese websites because of popularity and their marketing strategy for Japan.
I mean they intentionally provide much less than the actual demand because it makes people feel more special about the product, further driving the local purchasing power.
This only works in certain markets like Japan where they dominate the market like a monopoly.
They know how to sell things!
But the problem is there are many PS5s on sale at double the original price!
These resellers are Sony's business partners.

100 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/13(日) 14:57:45.83 ID:m6KB7HWod.net
Despite the fact that a term, technological singularity is much thrown around these days, I found out surprisingly that many people actually refer it without knowing of what it precisely means.

Technological singularity is a point in time at which technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, transforming human civilization as a whole in unprecedented and unimaginable way that we can't predict even a bit.

So why is this happening?
First of all, history tells us that the rate at which new inventions are made is accelerating at an exponential rate.
See the paragraph below. You can see what I mean by the acceleration.
This is mainly because new technology usually born from conventional technologies that are combined to apply in a totally different way.

Years ago/The year gap in-between/Invention
1,800,000 800,000 Simple handcrafted tools
1,000,000 700,000 Spoken language
25,000 15,000 Drawing, Premitive City
10,000 5,000 Agriculture
5,000 2,490 Writing, Wheel
2,510 1,960 City-state
550 325 Printing, Scientific method
225 95 Industrial revolution
130 65 Telephone, Electricity, Radio
65 38 Computer
27 14 Personal Computer

Last invention Human-like Artificial Intelligence

101 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/13(日) 15:21:39.91 ID:m6KB7HWod.net
Technology can bring a change about our society as it did in the past and it will.
Take Internet for example, it has change our lifestyle.
We arrange our daily schedule to squeeze out as much free time just to spend more time on it.
It made everyone accessible to all the information they needed and even provides opportunities with them to the free education.
As for yet-to-be-seen future technologies, it is undeniable that they will follow this trend.

102 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/13(日) 15:32:24.34 ID:m6KB7HWod.net

The U.S. has been the most important partner for Japan economically, politically and culturally since the end of WWll.
But it is on the cusp of losing its grip on world supremacy, seeing the rise of China.
As a matter of fact, China is attempting shaking up the current system the U.S. established to ensure its global dominance such as a partnership with its neighbors, international currency system driven by U.S. dollar and presence of overwhelming military power.
There are three reasons to support the idea.

Firstly, the most important foundation work to be a superpower is to establish partnership with neighboring countries.
This association among allies forms a front line of defense.
This then endows the country with a great defense capability against any harmful attempts from the opposing force including invasion, securing the opportunities for its economy and culture to be full-fledged.

103 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/28(月) 00:59:22.77 ID:J0zwfBIM0.net
economist からなん?

104 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/28(月) 04:28:41.99 ID:J0zwfBIM0.net
In my work place, some people are witched abnormally.
On earth, a person who has been a president since this April is a person
who has done hurtful things to me.
He has an abnormal history of getting married with his seminar student after
seeing each other in his seminar.
And, just before I started to work as his colleague, an old person had been forced to quit the
workplace as he had met his retiring age. But, the old man insisted that he should continue to
be hirered as he had been promised it by the former president.
The next president who had been in that position one year before I started to work had ignored that
promise by the former president of his, and had forced the old person’s to quit the job.
Actually, that president was a seminar teacher in an graduate course, of the abnormally wicked
person with whom I started this story. And, the abnormal person recommended his teacher as a
would be president in the workplace and that person won that position as a new president then.

And that president had attended the wedding of the abnormal person.
And I heard from that president that the reason he had forced the old person to quit was to
avoid a young person to be pressured by the old person.He rejected saying the name of the
young person he mentioned, but it is not a mistake to think that the person is his seminar student
of him, the person who had gotten married with his seminar student.

I continue this story later.

105 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2020/12/28(月) 04:39:21.40 ID:J0zwfBIM0.net
people who appeared till now.
1 abnormally witched person, who married with his seminar student, and became a new president
eight months ago.
2 an president who had been a president, who had been a seminar teacher
of the abnormally witched person.
3 an old person with promise to be hired continually after his retiring age from the former president,
but actually was forced to quit in his retiring age by the president of 2.

106 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/01/31(日) 18:20:29.41 ID:WubHIiFt0.net


74 ハバナブラウン(茸) [DE] ▼ 2021/01/31(日) 18:06:06.08 ID:qKcHCqgI0 [1回目]

77 キジ白(茸) [TW] ▼ New! 2021/01/31(日) 18:08:05.54 ID:RnLFqMUN0 [1回目]

81 スミロドン(茸) [ZA] ▼ New! 2021/01/31(日) 18:13:54.25 ID:6tOXFozN0 [1回目]

107 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2021/05/16(日) 20:09:14.15 ID:WAhKF9nzd.net
If you are unemployed, you can seek advice from someone who's been through the same struggles.
You are doing your absolute best to make as much money as possible and secure a living.

If you are facing unavoidable death by cancer, there is nobody in the world who could give you down-to-earth advice.
Your dreams of future suddenly shut down and your attention turn to the inside, away from the materialistic world.

I'm not talking of religion but you will need to embrace the reality of death that up until now has been so farfetched to imagine.

FYI, a lot of cancer patients regret the very same thing. They wish they had known more about religious things.

This is not their fault, just a part of human nature. We're only conscious of the present and our own immediate future imaginable.

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