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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 368

137 :The OED Loves Me Not (ワッチョイ 7689-GYY9):2023/10/09(月) 06:57:26.43 ID:tB75RAsp0.net
get [someone] out of an (OR the) accident

Normally, as a general rule, we say that there's a 10 minutes golden rule
that we have to play with this patient in order to ★get them out of the accident★
and so the 20 minutes for us was a goal.

Our volunteers are put through special training to ★get someone out of an accident★,” said Barclay.

get someone out of an accident という言い回しが仮に使われているとすれば、
get someone out of a car wreck の car wreck の部分が「事故車(の残骸)」ではなくて


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