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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 368

317 :The OED Loves Me Not :2023/10/18(水) 23:46:10.88 ID:qauKRSA50.net
... the one who made the worst face to win the race.


At an evening party the guestd were asked to
take part in a game in which everybody was to
make a face, the one who made the worst face to
win the race.

At an evening party the guestd were asked to
take part in a game in which everybody was to
make a face. ★And★ the one who made the worst face ●was● to
win the race.


At an evening party the guestd were asked to
take part in a game in which everybody was to
make a face, the one who made the worst face ★being★ to
win the race.

と書いて、そのあとに being を省略すればいいのです。

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