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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 368

345 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2023/10/20(金) 11:57:47.83 ID:wZBuOJIv0.net
All joking aside, Kagura bachi is getting this kind of meme reaction because there is no horizon for industry heavy hitter manga anymore.
No future Hero academy, demon slayer, no SNK, no actual new naruto, no new HxH, no CSM, no jjk, even big seinens like berserk, etc, etc, all are ending/ended, fell off, or both, or something else.
One piece is one piece. You might think some of these are shit, and you might be right, but they're undeniably cultural mainstays that carried the industry and garnered global attention.
I unironically believe JJK's explosion in popularity is because its the only manga that filling the need for a big 3 esque shounen.
Whats gonna happen to manga? Where are all the new, ambitious, long form, upcoming manga? Is it literally over? What the fuck is going on? Did they literally give up?

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