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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 368

564 :名無しさん@英語勉強中 (ワッチョイ 5521-xAmZ):2023/10/27(金) 19:37:31.82 ID:PiKJqupm0.net
with a too large pasty face (Graham Greene)
like a boy on a too large horse (Margaret Mitchell)
like a horse preparing to haul a too heavy load (Louise Erdrich)
indeed a too hard-working ally (Yasunari Kawabata / Edward Seidensticker)
any of the cumbersome luggage of a too formal education (J. D. Salinger)
through a too literal interpretation of the text (Bertrand Russell)
after a too long waiting (Albert Camus / Stuart Gilbert)
after a too hearty meal (Thomas Mann / H. T. Lowe-Porter)
in a too long overcoat (Isaac Bashevis Singer / A. H. Gross)

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