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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 368

806 :ブタ耳 :2023/11/08(水) 22:35:00.33 ID:uS8u2KUv0.net
引用2 (pp.1326-1327)
§3 The range of coordination: what can be coordinated with what

3.2 Coordination of unlike categories
In the great majority of cases, coordinates belong to the same syntactic category, but ★a difference of category is generally tolerated where there is likeness of function.★ This section surveys the main functions allowing coordinations of this kind.


(a) Predicative complement
i It was [<extremely expensive> and <in bad taste>]. [AdjP + PP]
ii He became [<very forgetful> and <an embarrassment to his family>]. [AdjP + NP]

It is also possible to coordinate an AdjP, NP, or PP with a no-finite clause.
i He's [<in love> and <behaving quite irrationally>]. [PP + gerund-participal]
ii He is [<known to have a gun> and <likely to use it>]. [past-participal + AdjP]
iii This process [is <perfectly natural> and <to be welcomed>]. [AdjP + infinitival]

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