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スレッドを立てるまでもない質問スレッド Part 368

962 :The OED Loves Me Not :2023/11/13(月) 08:37:14.68 ID:miKhwT2/0.net
>>950 で引用した長い文脈を土台にして、そこに主な語句の意味合いについて

> People who lack confidence in their knowledge of good English
> would like to have each spelling, pronunciation, meaning,
> and grammatical usage decided for them ★(= for those people)★, once and for all,
> so that they could know that one ★(= one spelling, one pronunciation, one meaning, etc.)★ is right and another is wrong.
> They feel uncertain when choices are clearly permissible.

> Partly because they would like to have a fixed standard
> to settle all questions of usage, they come to believe
> that one ★(= a standard, such a standard, such a fixed standard?)★ exists and operates, and constantly
> repeat judgments and rules without examining the basis for them ●(=the judgments and rules)●.

> https://power-of-awareness.com/entry/2022/09/05/030000

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