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ロシア情勢総合スレ Part.4

515 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2016/06/13(月) 18:00:37.32 ID:E2CrKGzA.net
First ever Israeli-Russian war game is coming | DEBKAfile- June 10, 2016, 5:38 PM (IDT)

> Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu decided
> at their June 7 meeting in Moscow to deepen the military ties between the Russian and
> Israeli armed forces, DEBKAfile reports exclusively from is military and intelligence sources.
> It was a historic decision that spells the end of the IDF’s unique relationship with the US
> military.

イスラエル国防軍 (IDF) が、これまでアメリカ軍との関係一辺倒だったのを、
ロシア軍との関係強化を打ち出したとのこと。ソースはデブカ (DEBKAfile)。

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