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(4)  Robert O. Wison(金陵大学病院医師)の家族宛12月18日付の手紙
…Nine-tenths of the city are totally deserted by Chinese and contain only roving bands of plundering Japanese. The remaining tenth contains almost two hundred thousand terrified Citizens….
(出典:"Eyewitnesses to Massacre" edited by Zang Kaiyuan p.394 )

(5) 「ヴォートリン日記」12月21日の条

“Those of you who have lived in Nanking can never imagine how the streets look ? the saddest sight I ever hope to see. Buses and cars upset in street, dead bodies here and there, with faces already black, discarded soldiers’ clothing everywhere, every house and shop looted and smashed if not burned.
In the Safety Zone the streets are crowded - outside you seldom see anyone but Japanese.”
(出典:"Terror in Minnie Vautrin's Nanjing" by Minnie Vautrin p.89)

(6) ティンパーリ著「戦争とは何か」
…It is to be noted that the incidents thus noted cover only the Nanking Safety Zone, and that the rest of Nanking was practically deserted until the end of January….
(出典:”What War Means” by H.J. Timperley, Victor Gollancz Ltd. 1938, p.143)

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