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94 :マンセー名無しさん:2018/09/15(土) 12:44:55.87 ID:QzI+pMnE.net
Why do japanese eat rice and vegetables seperately and not just mix them at once?

Muddling food (mixing rice with vegetables, lentils, gravy etc.) is a style of eating typical only to the Indian sub-continent.
This came about (1000's of years ago) more because it is easier to eat rice with gravy and vegetables when mixed together.
Rice was the main constituent of diet, and gravy, vegetables etc. were meant to make eating rice more interesting.
East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Koreans etc.) do not rely on gravies to make eating rice interesting.
For them rice is just another dish eaten with vegetables, meat or fish.
There is no advantage or disadvantage of muddling over other styles of eating.
Everything gets mixed up in the stomach after masticating (chewing) and swallowing.

> Muddling food (mixing rice with vegetables, lentils, gravy etc.) is a style of eating typical only to the Indian sub-continent.


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