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雑談 人間の生殖器を鼻の位置につけなかったのは神の失敗

714 :Mr.名無しさん:2022/02/04(金) 13:53:47.62 .net

Hi, I am an American who recently began reading Japanese tweets to study Japanese. During this lesson, I noticed that Japanese people are more likely to talk about meaningless topics than Westerns such as "it's cold (or hot) now."
Considering why people communicate with each other or why the mankind has acquired the language, you'll conclude that language is the tool to exchange information and knowledge. You give someone pieces of information which he doesn't know, and he gives you ones which you are yet to know in return.
Thus, when you say to someone around you "it is cold now", he must have known that already, so these words are totally useless to him as well as chirps of a bird.
Who would sink a bucket into a dried well? In the West, people, sooner or later, leave a man from whom they can hear nothing new or worth learning.

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