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【LAD】大谷翔平応援スレ part2051【TWP】

46 :名無しさん@実況は実況板で:2024/04/12(金) 11:35:40.94 ID:dkkAh3nX.net

Nov. 14: “I’m terrible at this sport betting thing huh? Lol . . . Any chance u can bump me again?? As you know, you don’t have to worry about me not paying!!”

Dec. 19: “Can u bump me last 200? I swear on my mom this will be the last ask before I pay it off once I get back to the states. Sorry for keep on asking. . . .”

June 22: "I got my ass kicked again lol . . . . Any chance I can get one last bump? This will be my last one for a while if I lose it. . . .”

June 23: “I’m the worst lol . . . can’t catch a break. . . . Can I get one last bump? I swear this is gonna be my last until I get the balance down significantly . . . . I promise this will be the last bump for a while.”

June 24: “I have a problem lol. . . . Can I get one last last last bump? This one is for real. . . . Last one for real[.]”

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