2ちゃんねる ■掲示板に戻る■ 全部 1- 最新50    


1 :西  本 (旧 姓):2006/09/11(月) 17:50:20 ID:TUmTbjtX.net

なんとシンシアこと南 沙織さんとまったく同じ生年月日ですし、興味あるお人です。



232 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/02/12(月) 08:44:08.00 ID:7xbKIMl4.net
グーグル検索⇒『金持ちになりたい 鎌野介メソッド』


233 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/03/16(金) 20:26:58.93 ID:A+If236n.net

234 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/10/17(水) 18:07:39.03 ID:wYzNSLb4.net

235 :tboo♪ww:2018/10/21(日) 17:45:22.19 ID:v4FYN3ibO

236 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/10/31(水) 23:02:33.01 ID:mriYh4W4.net

237 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/10/31(水) 23:02:46.79 ID:p18zDC/r.net

238 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/12/26(水) 16:18:24.12 ID:FLS0LdiC.net

239 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2018/12/26(水) 18:14:49.29 ID:6y1vhPbjI

240 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/03/05(火) 19:14:56.99 ID:aPwJacPW.net

241 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/03/15(金) 11:13:01.53 ID:m/Tvk7IDO
今年さらに悪い年ね 土星人

242 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/03/17(日) 03:23:03.01 ID:4rPG8A/K.net

243 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/03/30(土) 12:55:02.17 ID:rcmkUHXh.net


244 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/05/06(月) 10:37:09.21 ID:YyhJJSAm.net

245 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/05/16(木) 22:12:31.24 ID:+3P2EnIM.net

246 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/05/28(火) 20:40:17.99 ID:1wmbUQtq.net

247 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/06/01(土) 11:42:03.87 ID:/YDw5enX.net

248 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/06/02(日) 13:24:30.91 ID:3Qo8Wyav.net

249 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/08/06(火) 19:46:24.67 ID:bUpmX1Rk.net

250 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/08/06(火) 19:51:24.19 ID:bUpmX1Rk.net



251 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/08/06(火) 19:56:33.78 ID:bUpmX1Rk.net

↓   (マンション)だった?

by尾崎紀世彦 想ひ出よ

252 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2019/08/06(火) 19:57:06.07 ID:bUpmX1Rk.net

253 ::2019/12/26(木) 14:52:29.58 ID:cZHqBmnP.net


254 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2020/03/02(月) 22:41:09 ID:KJB5Hdo0.net

255 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2020/04/16(木) 14:36:30 ID:wmduwjVy.net

256 :↓   & ◆kqAClFz6CI:2020/08/07(金) 17:52:54.99 ID:5eF1YGwn/

257 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2020/12/25(金) 17:50:20.39 ID:ElOJFaU8.net

本人も嫁ぎ先が牛込辺り?とはいっても江戸中心地だからこの人為的感染症もしや移って追って逝っちゃったのかなーー( ω-、)ドラマー止めんでずっとやっとればよかったんに‥!

258 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2020/12/27(日) 17:57:05.85 ID:bm3OA2Cw.net

259 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/01/19(火) 19:32:13.12 ID:t8vKrwe02

260 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/01/19(火) 19:32:58.45 ID:t8vKrwe02

261 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/01/28(木) 20:37:35.03 ID:CaPo5+dy.net

262 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/02/01(月) 17:22:21.90 ID:IdTpWmHIt

263 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/05/14(金) 20:22:00.77 ID:rVScjjXv.net

264 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/07/29(木) 14:49:48.63 ID:fQR6vsbA.net

265 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/08/30(月) 16:06:58.40 ID:XQfQKgH0S

266 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/11/26(金) 14:58:45.94 ID:+XucVETO.net

267 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/12/26(日) 19:41:21.44 ID:+eOvwKK7.net

268 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2021/12/26(日) 19:41:59.49 ID:+eOvwKK7.net


269 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/05/19(木) 14:30:46.94 ID:WZ7OcYm8.net

270 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/05/22(日) 18:36:13.39 ID:vThuNried
pin!!似非ね 君

271 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/05/29(日) 20:18:59.68 ID:btrWs04p.net

272 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/06/01(水) 02:46:45 ID:1mKfUl7H.net

273 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/11/03(木) 00:33:26.39 ID:+YOErXNV.net

274 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/23(金) 14:45:38.00 ID:PqhrqHeC.net

275 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/26(月) 13:30:43.96 ID:QkVsVyBo.net
一白日生まれ神楽坂の今は上流人妻の 西本りかでーす!




276 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/26(月) 17:58:08.72 ID:3bywRRnv.net

277 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/26(月) 18:02:47.31 ID:Pzytnrn8.net

278 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/30(金) 18:16:09.41 ID:3Te8eeIx.net



279 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/30(金) 18:54:48.72 ID:FoY7toYI.net

280 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2022/12/31(土) 17:18:34.22 ID:op6opBNiL

281 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/01/03(火) 18:20:04.61 ID:5dZng0qv.net


282 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/01/03(火) 18:20:45.35 ID:5dZng0qv.net

283 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/01/03(火) 18:21:46.49 ID:5dZng0qv.net


284 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/01/24(火) 15:08:26.85 ID:zREoiQJs.net

285 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/01/27(金) 17:47:29.27 ID:I379KzQ/b

286 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/02/13(月) 19:17:17.20 ID:lROi/qGz.net

287 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/02/15(水) 16:21:24.23 ID:bIVGppgPS

288 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/02/15(水) 16:21:54.11 ID:bIVGppgPS

289 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2023/02/15(水) 16:23:12.89 ID:bIVGppgPS


290 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/01/01(月) 22:33:46.48 ID:XCKtCOX2.net

291 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/10(日) 21:14:52.09 ID:fwZlV2ci.net


292 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/18(月) 14:50:06.43 ID:vBLN5cyI.net

293 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/27(水) 21:02:29.12 ID:ZTWY/g4U.net

294 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/30(土) 18:55:34.00 ID:EY7v+Hh6.net

295 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/30(土) 20:09:14.54 ID:8AKAPM6t.net

296 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/30(土) 20:13:15.54 ID:Ml3yOplh.net

297 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/03/31(日) 23:19:32.25 ID:d4fIQqSa.net

298 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/01(月) 15:27:17.61 ID:lcWJ+GKM.net

299 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/01(月) 15:27:52.00 ID:TB0OVDcp.net

300 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/01(月) 15:32:52.88 ID:XGjkLpeo.net

301 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/02(火) 16:24:03.60 ID:zvmw57pj.net

302 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/04(木) 13:18:54.96 ID:swXEkzIj.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on^

303 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/04(木) 15:51:31.40 ID:GwC2PJoD.net

304 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/04(木) 20:43:40.73 ID:OpJGmGpz.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on^

305 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/04(木) 20:46:13.94 ID:qFEJE4i5.net

306 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/05(金) 15:18:26.25 ID:F6pr3BTy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onl;

307 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/05(金) 15:37:12.59 ID:1LmCufjX.net

308 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/05(金) 16:03:22.97 ID:F6pr3BTy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onf

309 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/05(金) 16:26:05.58 ID:7F0Ndrqm.net

310 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/05(金) 17:52:38.12 ID:F6pr3BTy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on z

311 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/06(土) 12:35:15.78 ID:f1f/B9o4.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on]:;l

312 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/07(日) 23:34:46.23 ID:faSFWnqP.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary onm,

313 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/07(日) 23:35:46.75 ID:gV0RPmK6.net

314 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 14:25:17.39 ID:tOOkpeid.net
【社会】宅急便で「置き配」サービス 再配達削減へ6月から ヤマト運輸 [Ikhtiandr★]

315 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 15:06:34.42 ID:DVFSuV86.net

316 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 17:22:52.92 ID:ij+ObJBN.net

317 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:15:01.09 ID:2F94CEjB.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on6

318 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:25:05.13 ID:rLW+LYgl.net

319 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:39:16.12 ID:fFO4BdBi.net

320 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/08(月) 23:48:25.97 ID:Pc6TQHGL.net

321 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 15:10:23.91 ID:xUoJhBFy.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on[[

322 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 15:12:38.42 ID:Z4EWvrr3.net

323 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/09(火) 23:40:50.05 ID:ujOVjMya.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on\

324 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/10(水) 17:54:48.67 ID:RTB7Ov7F.net

325 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/11(木) 16:08:47.58 ID:JgKj3paU.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on

326 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/12(金) 13:40:38.46 ID:WUp6EzCF.net
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
Bubbles' day is sponsored by Rebecca W.! Thank you for your generosity!
Bubbles was reportedly born in a biomedical laboratory. While still an infant, he was taken from his mother and given to a Hollywood trainer, who then gave him to be a pet chimpanzee for the world-famous pop singer Michael Jackson. In such a bright limelight, it’s no surprise that Bubbles soon gained fame—and many adoring fans—of his own. He appeared in television shows, movies, and music videos. When he was only four years old, he went to Japan on a promotional tour with Jackson.
A couple of years later, when Bubbles grew too strong to be around people, he was “retired” from show biz and sent to the trainer’s California animal compound. Bubbles arrived at the Center for Great Apes in March 2005 with a large group of chimpanzees, all from the entertainment world.
Jackson always maintained ownership of Bubbles, his first and favorite chimpanzee, whom he treated like a son. After his death, Michael Jackson’s Estate has continued to support the annual care costs for Bubbles at the sanctuary.
As a physically imposing 185-pound, 4½-foot adult male, Bubbles is now treated as the dominant male in his group of chimpanzees.
Bubbles enjoys quiet moments and painting. He gives the canvas back only when he is finished and does not limit his painting to the canvas!
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on this day in 2005. Happy 19th Anniversary, Bubbles! We do not know his exact birthdate, but we know he was born in 1983 making him 41 this year.
The second anniversary/birthday we're celebrating today is chimpanzee Bubbles. He also arrived at the sanctuary on2

327 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/04/12(金) 20:44:01.05 ID:V4q/s+OI.net

328 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/07/07(日) 14:08:35.94 ID:not1Tp5R.net

329 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/07/07(日) 14:14:25.76 ID:YR8oy62x.net

330 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/07/07(日) 14:20:19.06 ID:ZjpB2cl4.net

331 :NO MUSIC NO NAME:2024/07/07(日) 14:27:42.56 ID:0LCqZ36p.net

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