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269 :名無しさん@ゴーゴーゴーゴー!:2015/02/21(土) 06:05:57.50 ID:5LYQwIb0b
専ブラなにつかってる? [転載禁止]?bbspink.com
> 48+2 :Grape Ape ★ <small>転載ダメ?bbspink.com</small> [sageteyon] :2015/02/16(月) 23:47:18.69 ID:???*
> I am using http://i.2ch.net

> 49+1 :anonymous [] :2015/02/16(月) 23:55:23.69 ID:pRYp8n5o
> >>48
> I think your decision cause futile fight

> 54+4 :Grape Ape ★ <small>転載ダメ?bbspink.com</small> [sageteyon] :2015/02/17(火) 00:17:03.42 ID:???*
> >>49
> Please look closer at who is fighting. They have no valid reason to be fighting.
> Posting I don't like Yamashita, or Jim is shit. Hmm sounds like children having a tantrum.
> The actuality is. Those "developers" that are developing a browser that just works on their
> own server with just one user the server are mostly the ones complaining.
> So if just the server is the user of their browser. Why is it a browser? It is just collecting
> summary logs. Those are the ones complaining now. The ones that don't want to help
> 2ch, and Pink Channel. They only want to help themselves to some free candy.
> Some other browsers have serious security problems, that they will have to overcome. They won't
> be denied if they fix those concerns.

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