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548 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2014/03/23(日) 00:15:57.40 ID:e+01U0v0.net
One solution for Korean and Japan relationship is to put many Comfort wemen statues in front of and surrounding Yasukuni shrine.
1) Shame on Eirei what Eirei did against Asian wemen during WW II,
2) Yasukuni shrine is the best place to dishonor Japanese Army with the truth,
3) It must not include fake and untruth; everything must be the everyone's accepted truth.
4) Just rent a bussiness offce in 1st floor to put the statues in surrounding areas of Yasukuni to tell the history.

This solution is very effective to Japanese government and bereaved families.


 英霊みな、穴友達 by 笹川良一(A級戦犯容疑者)



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