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【慰安婦問題】ローマ法王が韓国寄り発言「少女たちは兵舎に連行され、利用された」 韓国の主張を色濃く反映(読売新聞)★2[08/19]

51 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2014/08/19(火) 23:26:00.76 ID:yMJdf4j/.net
「侵略下、少女だった 彼女たちは兵舎に連行され、利用された。

Also today, when those elderly women were in front of me at Mass, I thought that in that invasion
there were young girls taken away to the barracks for to use them but they did not lose their dignity then.
They were there today showing their faces, elderly, the last ones remaining.
It’s a people strong in its dignity.

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