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88 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2014/11/30(日) 19:46:05.24 ID:BUrT4IMo.net

Their argument is not that South Korea compelled them to work as prostitutes
- this is not a case of sexual slavery - but that by instituting a system of official
and compulsory check-ups on their sexual health, it was complicit, and facilitated
a system which now leaves them in poverty. It also, they say, gave them English lessons
and courses in "Western etiquette".

Moon is at pains to point out that, unlike South Korea's World War Two
"comfort women" - who were forced to become sex slaves by the Japanese
military - many of these women took a decision to work as prostitutes,
however reluctantly. They then become trapped, however.


Japan's 'comfort women'

200,000 women in territories occupied by Japan during WWII estimated
to have been forced into becoming sex slaves for troops

In 1993 Japan acknowledged use of wartime brothels

In 2007 Japanese PM Shinzo Abe was forced to apologise
after casting doubt on the existence of comfort women

In 2014 Abe's government petitioned the UN to ask that
a 1996 UN-sponsored report on comfort women be revised, but the request was rejected

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