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【平昌冬季五輪】迷走の五輪組織委 要職・競技部長がまたも電撃解任され、ますます不透明に[1/12]

626 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2016/01/20(水) 17:53:10.61 ID:kvBPBPcm.net

This is to inform you that the Audi FIS Ski Wolrd Cup races in
Jeongseon (KOR) are confirmed following the official snow
control from today, 20th January 2016. As scheduled, the men’s
races will take place on 3rd-7th February 2016.

Günter Hujara, FIS Technical Expert:
"After checking the snow conditions on the race course and also
the operational requirements in Jeongseon,
I can confirm that planning and preparations meets the standards
for Audi FIS Ski World Cup events."

私は、計画と準備がAudi FIS Skiワールドカップに合致している

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