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【話題】松本人志「差別してる人を差別してる人って怖い」 → しばき隊員やSEALDsほなみさんらが激怒

773 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2016/02/03(水) 15:30:46.82 ID:iMVyo9td.net

131 名前:<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@転載は禁止[age] 投稿日:2016/02/03(水) 14:56:55.09 ID:7cWZnTEk
Enormous number of J*A*Ps' rampages, including Nanking, evidently shews us the fact, that they are the beasts with whom we mankind cannot coexist under the same sky (lmao

http://f.xup.cc/xup6ckoihmt .png
http://f.xup.cc/xup6ckfgywb .jpg


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