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【慰安婦問題】杉田水脈・前議員、「怖かった今回の国連」 スイスに100人を超す左翼が集結 チョゴリやアイヌ衣装のおばさんまで[2/17]

344 :InSoJAP@国際社会主義ジャップ労働者党@\(^o^)/:2016/02/18(木) 02:34:09.05 ID:ZeGc7Ktl.net
Almost all of Japanese people usually act not what they themselves believe is right,
but what their authority want them to do. Strongly concealing their own free will,
Japanese seem to be a kind of puppets without the mind.

Toil and burdens imposed on them are so hard that they formerly died far younger
than the free peoples of the western countries.
Indeed, the remarkable progress of the medicines greatly helped them to
prolong their life, but I wonder if they really become happier.

The life as an “aeternal slave” is of no value.(低学歴ウヨよ訳してみププ


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