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【山田高明】「局外中立」ならそもそも北朝鮮の核ミサイルは飛んで来ない 日本が韓国と心中する道理は何もない[4/5]

8 :大韓パシジュム連盟@半島アーリア人 ◆ENoLaGay.. @\(^o^)/:2016/04/06(水) 00:03:52.08 ID:ad7ZqLuD.net


Almost all of Japanese people usually act not what they themselves believe is right,
but what their authority want them to do. Strongly concealing their own free will, Japanese seem to be a kind of puppets without the mind.

Toil and burdens imposed on them are so hard that they died far younger than the free peoples of the western countries before the WWII.
Indeed, the remarkable progress of the medicines greatly helped them to prolong their life, but I wonder if they really become happier.
The life as an “eternal slave” is of no value.


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