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【社会】在日韓国人留学生 22人中20人が「私は韓国人ではない」[10/19]

779 :護憲派市民教師 ◆pgaqADsKvCkJ @\(^o^)/:2016/10/19(水) 22:00:46.95 ID:JoHNxeDP.net

Three Gorges Dam across the Yangtze River in China, one of the largest dams
in the world, is strictly secured against any attacks of terrorists and foreign army,
because a horrifying memory has been shocking the Chinese people, that is
Japanese dam-attacks in the Yellow River.

At the WWII, Japanese army bombed a lot of dams and banks of the Yellow River
in order to trigger off deluges and to destroy the infrastructure of China.
These “artificial deluges” engulfed cities and villages on the North China Plain
with about a million of Chinese civilians, furthermore, the deluges collapsed
the agriculture of North China; one of the すworld’s vastest granary had changed into
the hectares of mud, so that the losses of agricultural products brought to China
several million deaths of hunger.

Thus, Japan murdered near five million Chinese civilians only with the water, and
it seems to be the worst abuse of the nature in history of the human race.


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