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485 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2016/10/22(土) 20:54:08.47 ID:ICO3+jqN.net

The petition was the only explanation of Korea´s claim to sovereignty over Dokdo
that was available to U.S authorities until the beginning of the negotiations for
the San Francisco Peace Treaty. While it did attempt to explain the irregularities
of Japan´s supposed incorporation of Dokdo in 1905, the argument for Dokdo was
included with an angry demand for Korean sovereignty over Tsushima and concerns
over (what turned out to be) an imaginary island named "Parangdo". The petition´s
seeming lack of seriousness and its vengeful tone (harking back to the punitive
reparations of the Versailles Treaty of 1919), in addition to the fact that it
had come from a private organization and was not a direct policy statement from
the ROK Government, had most likely jaundiced American views towards the Korean
argument for sovereignty over Dokdo. It is at least quite clear that this Korean
petition was not at all as influential to U.S. decision-makers as was the
Japanese Foreign Ministry´s 1947 monograph.


9/13/48: The Fifth Air Force writes its monthly update on bombing and
gunnery ranges, noting that "Liancourt Rocks Bombing and Gunnery Range"
(Dokdo) has been closed permanently by the Commanding General, Far East
Air Forces.



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