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【日韓】駐韓日本大使の一時帰国 米国「外交官行き来は珍しくない」[1/10]

29 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2017/01/10(火) 17:07:46.26 ID:IVPAAguM.net

QUESTION: Can we go back east between South Korea and Japan? So I know you said last week
that the comfort women statue that was erected in Busan, like ? that the State Department didn’t
have a direct comment on that. But last week, they ? Japan pulled out the South Korean ambassador
because it was erected.

MR KIRBY: Right.

QUESTION: I was wondering if you have any response to that action.

MR KIRBY: We are aware of the ? of reports that the ambassador was recalled. I think we would leave it
to those two countries to speak to that decision. I mean, as you know, it’s not an uncommon practice
with respect to moving diplomats in and out, and I think I’d let those two countries talk about that action. Okay?

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