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【在日】朝鮮学校の生徒、補助金停止で心に大きな痛手 「日本社会に疎外された」★3

638 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2017/03/11(土) 21:26:34.91 ID:66+ySGna.net
496 : 司法職員 ◆YlC3y1wq6I @無断転載は禁止2016/06/20(月) 22:56:55.86 ID:VqhIEcFZ


>Ure wrong, idiot. I had 2criminal records still now. Don't increase it without my permission.

514:司法職員 ◆YlC3y1wq6I @転載は禁止[] 投稿日:2016/02/05(金) 23:08:53.23 ID:zM+CKqid

>Like a Ps of cake to rape a woman. Don't underestimate a Koreans residing in Japan.

535:司法職員 ◆YlC3y1wq6I @転載は禁止[] 投稿日:2016/02/05(金) 23:10:31.68 ID:zM+CKqid

>Try to show me Korean residing in Japan, whom have'nt raped woman. There is not such a guy.

604 : 司法職員 ◆YlC3y1wq6I @無断転載は禁止2016/06/20(月) 23:03:32.39 ID:VqhIEcFZ

>Will you Japanese, rape a woman anyway, too?

893 司法職員 ◆YlC3y1wq6I @無断転載は禁止 2016/07/04(月) 20:54:23.64 ID:XSCeJcPJ

>It is the end, if I was judged as "a man without the allowances".
>So I will tell a LIE if asked about the my personal educational history.
>It chooses the fool to be honest.

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