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580 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2017/03/13(月) 12:22:11.99 ID:/fZj34U4.net
Although several English versions of Rescript exist,
they have been found deficient for conveying the exact sense of the original,
of which a complete literal version into any other language is indeed a matter of great difficulty.
  Towards the end of last year,
the Educational Department seeing the possibility of improving the translation convoked a number of scholars to discuss the matter.
The accompanying version is the result. The scholars thus assembled considered their work by no means perfect,
as the difficulty of rendering into a foreign language all the shades of meaning found in the text is almost insurmountable;
yet we feel confident that it is a great improvement on all previous versions.

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