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【聯合ニュース】「慰安合意支持発言は原論的な言及に過ぎない」国連が騒動を鎮火へ =韓国ネット「誰も信じられないetc.」 [5/29]

177 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん@\(^o^)/:2017/05/29(月) 15:34:36.63 ID:4tFQMUn1.net

In response to questions received on the meeting between the Secretary-General and Prime Minister Abe of Japan, the Spokesman had the following to say:
During their meeting in Sicily, the Secretary-General and Prime Minister Abe did discuss the issue of so-called “comfort women”.
The Secretary-General agreed that this is a matter to be solved by an agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea.
The Secretary-General did not pronounce himself on the content of a specific agreement but on the principle that it is up to the two countries to define the nature and the content of the solution for this issue.

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