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【中央日報】李舜臣将軍は却下で自由の女神像はOK? 日本の顔色うかがうIOC[02/09]

253 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2018/02/09(金) 15:49:58.40 ID:HkbjtXSP.net



After passing the government examinations to become a military officer in 1576, Yi served at various army and navy posts.
Although he was twice discharged after being falsely accused by jealous colleagues, in 1591 he was appointed commander of
the naval forces in Left Chŏlla province, where he concentrated on training his men, stocking equipment and supplies, and
developing the renowned kŏbuksŏn (“turtle ship”). The kŏbuksŏn is thought to have been the first ironclad battleship in history.

As a result of Yi’s preparations, his forces, unlike most of the Korean military, were ready to fight when the Japanese invaded in 1592.
Yi’s victories off the southern coast effectively cut off the Japanese troops in Korea from supplies and reinforcements and prevented
the Japanese from pressing their initial advantage. In 1593 Yi was given command of the entire Korean fleet, but, following peace
negotiations, in 1597 he was again falsely accused of disloyalty and demoted to the rank of common soldier. The Japanese then launched
a second invasion and succeeded in destroying almost all of the Korean navy. Yi was reinstated as commander of the few remaining ships
and, continuing his undefeated battle record, soon restored Korea’s control of the seas. He was killed by a stray bullet as he pursued the
retreating Japanese forces during the final campaign of the war.


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