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【国際】韓日は世界で最も難民に閉鎖的な国 この恥ずべき状況を抜け出すべき

55 ::2018/09/15(土) 00:54:36.34 ID:6KsEwdJj.net


Japan had accepted so many refugees after the end of WWII,
estimated about 3 million Korean refugees (war refugees fled from the Korean war
and economic refugees before and after the war)
smuggled themselves into war-torn Japan under the control of
the occupying allied army by whatever ships available.

They committed outrageous crimes: murders, rapes, robberies,
unlawful occupation of land pieces, etc. saying that they were people of
a World War II victor nation and must not observe the Japanese law
while the Japanese military was dissolved, police force was so weak (police
stations were assulted by Koreans) and the allied army let them do it.

 The amount of land areas illegally occupied by Koreans is said to be more
than half of the total land of Japan on price basis.
That is why there are so many Korean villages, towns and city streets formed
on illegally occupied land areas after WWII though Japan has been closed to immigration.
Just as British historian Arnold Toynbee called it, invasion without military.

Many Japanese men who came back from overseas battlefields entered
Yakuza groups to fight with the Korean. 

The tremendous suffering inflicted by the Korean (now called Zainichi Korean) planted
deep rooted anger and contempt against Korean, and rejection to refugees in the Japanese heart.
Europeans are now experiencing the problems caused by huge illegal refugees and immigrants
jananese had experienced in 50 through 70 years ago.

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