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419 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2019/07/17(水) 14:25:43.01 ID:xQRFa5gy.net

Statement on "Update of METI's licensing policies and procedures on exports of controlled items to the Republic of Korea" released on July 1st
- Japan has been consistently explaining that the update is aimed at improving implementation of the export control system from ...
... a national security point of view and NOT a countermeasure against any diplomatic issues.
- The Initial Elements of the Wassenaar Arrangement clearly states that "The decision to transfer or deny transfer of any item will be the sole responsibility of ...
... each Participating State. All measures undertaken with respect to the arrangement will be in accordance with national legislation and policies and will be implemented on the basis of national discretion." ...
... Thus, licensing policies are not something that should be monitored by international organizations.

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