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【韓国】 河野外相のインタビューをそのまま載せた中央日報、『附倭(ブウェ)』と言わざるを得ない[07/20]

713 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2019/07/21(日) 04:29:37.72 ID:40AT9Yqw.net
The North Korean, Kim Jong-un, anti-smuggling statement against South
Korea is the emergence of the South-North Korea smuggling alliance.
For several years, South Korea's strategic smuggling to North Korea has been
an open fact of the world,
The North Korean smuggling mission is also working as a United Nations
army in seven countries.
In the midst of that, from North Korea
Mass uranium nuclear enrichment was discovered by smuggling of strategic
materials to Iran.
Route, South Korea, North Korea
, Iran and other North Korean friendly Middle East terrorist countries.

Korea is a usual national fire disease riot, and the nation is pushing for the
The representative of Korea's second North Korea promotion government,
Munjeein also aims for foreign cockroach Koreans from all over the world
against anti-Japanese indiscriminate terrorist attacks and riots by Korean
Koreans abroad.
It incites and is calling.

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★