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【WTO事務局長選】韓国は「気まずい状況」に 朝鮮日報からは「2人が任期を分け合うことも考えられる」との見方 [11/01] [新種のホケモン★]

199 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2020/11/01(日) 09:20:55.97 ID:d66NO2th.net

20.If, after having carried out all the procedures set out above,
it has not been possible for theGeneral Council to take a decision
by consensus by the deadline provided for the appointment,
Members should consider the possibility of recourse to a vote
as a last resort by a procedure to bedetermined at that time.
Recourse to a vote for the appointment of a Director-General
shall beunderstood to be an exceptional departure from the
customary practice of decision-making byconsensus, and shall not
establish any precedent for such recourse in respect of any future decisions
inthe WTO.





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