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慰安婦問題に南京虐殺、731部隊…旧日本軍の加害を振り返る 27日から横浜でパネル展 [朝一から閉店までφ★]

270 :<丶`∀´>(´・ω・`)(`ハ´  )さん:2024/04/28(日) 00:57:57.32 ID:twReee4h.net
Q: Did "Nanking massacre" actually happen? I know nothing about the Japanese-Sino war, give me a quick rundown.

A: No, it didn't happen.
It was nothing more than warfare where the Japanese army slaughtered the KMT army including guerrillas, with acceptable civilian casualties.
Mao didn't make a single mention of "Nanking massacre" in his whole life, because no such massacre happened.

Japan conquered Nanking in 1937, the Chinese capital of the time, and that's all that matters to history.
It was glorious conquest for Japan, not a thing to be ashamed of.
China had to move its capital from Nanking (1928-1937) to Chongqing (1937-1945) to cope.

The Rape of Nanking (1997) was fabricated as an afterthought by Iris Chang, claiming it was """Forgotten Holocaust."""
The cunt was mentally-ill and committed suicide in 2004 after exposed as a scam.
You have to be a legit two-digit IQ to believe this fake and gay atrocity. Even if real, chinks still deserve to be extinct.

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