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【FF14】FINAL FANTASY XIV 6838【エアプテンパ&モンチガイジ=石田光央=珍宝(@KTM_watching)】

205 :既にその名前は使われています:2018/06/22(金) 18:59:33.13 .net
1. United States
2. Japan
3. United Kingdom
4. Spain
5. France

A look at the most Tweeted about topics during the annual event offers a f

ascinating glimpse at what got gaming fans most excited.

1. Nintendo (@Nintendo)
2. Xbox (@Xbox)
3. Super Smash Bros. (#SuperSmashBros)
4. Fallout (@Fallout)
5. Playstation (@PlayStation)
6. Kingdom Hearts (@KINGDOMHEARTS)
7. Ubisoft (@Ubisoft)
8. Elder Scrolls (@ElderScrolls)
9. Death Stranding (#DEATHSTRANDING)
10. Fortnite (@FortniteGame)

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226 KB

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read.cgi ver 2014.07.20.01.SC 2014/07/20 D ★