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1 :  :2021/08/08(日) 19:18:59.49 ID:IzG2bfw50.net

VIPQ2_EXTDAT: default:vvvvvv:1000:512:: EXT was configured

416 :既にその名前は使われています :2021/10/01(金) 16:40:39.32 ID:JhsVc3WE0.net

Ur kidding...right? U seriously want us to spend $100 just to get that dash and glide?! I was looking forward to this campaign, thinking id be able to get something new just by playing the game. Not spending money....bullshit.


30k retweets after scaring away most players and 10k ac plus premium. Did you make this collab to celebrate sonic or milk your fan base further?


You're joking, right? Just a reeeaaaaaaally early April Fools joke, yeah? Please let me know what the guys in charge of monetization are smoking, and exactly how much is in their systems past what would kill any normal person.


You can't even give us regular updates that aren't your version of loot boxes and now you slap us in the face with this? I am not paying another dime to play this game.

(deleted an unsolicited ad)

417 :既にその名前は使われています :2021/10/01(金) 16:43:22.90 ID:JhsVc3WE0.net
Haha This is a funny joke Sega. Now show is the actual way to get the Sonic dash animation because there's no way that you expect people to spend $100 for the honor of... becoming a circle sometimes


I don't have the energy to be snarky, so I will just say that I am immensely disappointed in NGS's direction so far.


So you guys WANT your entire fanbase to leave. I see.


Your game has become predatory garbage. You once had a reputation for not being like other f2p games, but you're not just like them now, you're one of the worst I have seen for a long time.




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