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【ToS】Tree of Savior part805

523 :ヽ(`Д´)ノ ウワァァァン@\(^o^)/ (ワッチョイ 573a-cZ1L):2017/01/12(木) 10:34:59.57 ID:CLTIFuRx0.net

DPK is implemented.

1-Each channel has its own kill count of its monsters.
2-Every X amount of kills of a particular monster on the same channel drops his DPK item.
3-Channel kill count is based on kills of all players.
4-DPK resets after the item DROP.
5-Channel kill count resets on maintence. thanks @StratosLash
6-For weapons, the respective class has double points in the dpk system. Meaning swordmans gets sword,2handsword by half DPK required for the other 3 classes.
7-Drop are defined with kills not on spawn.

総レス数 1000
233 KB

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