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【Uni-Q】英国・KEF 29【Meta】

1 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/03/24(日) 21:46:00.07 ID:OPH326Jb.net
KEFサイト(英語) http://www.kef.com/
KEFサイト(日本語) https://jp.kef.com/
ユニオンKEF製品一覧 http://www.audiounion.jp/products/kef.html
アバックKEF製品一覧 https://www.avac.co.jp/buy/products/list?category_id=513

本社: 英国ケント州メイドストーン
創立: 1961年

KEF JAPANの人は「ケー・イー・エフ」と言います。
もともと Kent Engineering & Foundry を略したものなので


【Uni-Q】英国・KEF 28:【Meta】

411 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/05/09(木) 19:12:59.06 ID:rUFOKSKJ.net
Distortion at 86 dBSPL is reasonable.
Distortion at 86 dBSPL is reasonable.
Distortion at 86 dBSPL is reasonable.

412 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/05/09(木) 19:27:50.37 ID:rUFOKSKJ.net
The KEF LSX is not quite technically perfect but comes pretty close.
It is wrapped in super attractive packaging making for a very nice combination.
It is expensive for the fidelity you get but studio monitors that do as well are very ugly and industrial compared to LSX.

I am happy to put the KEF LSX on my recommended list.
I hope they improve their App and documentation though.
I hate them for that. :)

413 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2024/05/09(木) 19:39:32.05 ID:rUFOKSKJ.net
Directivity is very good which is why the early window response is reasonable:

Combined we have a very good predicted in-room response:

The best news is dispersion. Check out the beam width in horizontal axis:

I think the last time we saw something this good was on a Genelec with coaxial driver. Very nice.

This is reflected just the same in our contour plot:

Being coaxial, the vertical contour looks almost as good:

What this means is that the speaker tonality will not change much if you sit above or below tweeter axis.
Or slide to left or right.
It will also be room friendly as reflections have similar tonality to on-axis response.

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