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次世代の哲学を育むスレ Part 10

598 :考える名無しさん:2020/08/11(火) 00:02:42.38 0.net
Peirce had already for a while divided the Sciences of Discovery into:

(1) Mathematics – draws necessary conclusions about hypothetical objects
(2) Cenoscopy – philosophy about positive phenomena in general, such as confront a person
at every waking moment, rather than special classes, and not settling theoretical issues by special experiences or experiments
(3) Idioscopy – the special sciences, about special classes of positive phenomena, and settling theoretical issues
by special experiences or experiments

Thus Peirce ends up framing two fields each of which is philosophy in a sense: cenoscopic philosophy
which precedes the special sciences, and synthetic philosophy (that is to say, science of review),
which does take advantage of the results of all the sciences of discovery and develops, for instance,
classifications of the sciences.

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