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【反出生主義】 ベネター Part9 【antinatalism】

753 :考える名無しさん:2022/08/17(水) 20:59:35.21 0.net
This is my way of thinking.
The idea that I don't want to have a baby because I feel sorry for the child is "weak anti-natalism".
And "strong anti-natalism" is the idea that all births are evil and all people should not give birth.
And "militant anti-natalism" is one that commands others not to give birth.
The other is "childfree," which means not to have children for one's own comfort.

This thread seems to have a majority of "strong anti-natalists," but the idiot says that anti-natalism only makes sense if it is "militant anti-natalism".
And it is so funny that they are against anti-natalism. Too stupid.

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